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James Strickland100% Guarantee for Blessings?!?! - Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10
  1. 100% Guarantee for Blessings?!?! - Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10 James Strickland 29:51
  2. A Determined Dedication - Luke 9:51 James Strickland 28:50
  3. A Divine Command Produces Direct Commitment - Genesis 12:1-5 James Strickland 32:02
  4. A King that Went from Fame to Failure! - 2 Chronicles 26:1-23 James Strickland 29:58
  5. A Lasting Legacy - Hebrews 11:4 - New Years Message 2018 James Strickland 28:24
  6. A Look at Our Short Life - Ecceliastes 11:7-12:8 James Strickland 33:34
  7. A Look at the Real Love Relationship - Romans 5:8 - Valentine James Strickland 19:29
  8. A Look Into Heaven - Revelation 4:1-11 Unknown artist 33:40
  9. A Mother's Reward - Exodus 2:1-10 James Strickland 30:51
  10. A View of Heaven - Isaiah 64:4, 1 Corinthians 2:9 James Strickland 32:34
  11. A Woman's Role in the Church - Acts 16:11-15 - James Strickland 20:52
  12. Angel Awareness - Revelation 5:11, Etc. James Strickland 31:58
  13. Are you a Voice or an Echo?? - 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 James Strickland 30:28
  14. Belief, Baptism, & Behavior - Acts 8:26-35 James Strickland 29:06
  15. Believer's Baptism - Romans 6:1-11 - Baptism 7-27-19 James Strickland 13:45
  16. Better to Know God than Answers - Ecclesiastes 6:9-12 James Strickland 32:02
  17. Between Him & Them (The Lord the Lost) Genesis 18:16 & 19:27-29 James Strickland 37:19
  18. Biography of a Backslider - Proverbs 14:14 James Strickland 23:32
  19. Brian Bare Ordination Sermon & Ordination 8-30-20 - 2 Timothy 4:1-8 "From a man of God To a man of God; From a Minister to a Minister" James Strickland 40:02
  20. Bring Them In!! - Mark 2:1-5 James Strickland 28:41
  21. Building a Christian Life from Start to Finish - 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 James Strickland 28:06
  22. Careless Christianity - Part 1 - Genesis 12:4-5 - "Position" James Strickland 26:46
  23. Careless Christianity - Part 2 - Genesis 13:1-13 - "Prosperity" James Strickland 33:46
  24. Careless Christianity - Part 3 - Genesis 19:1-14 - "Privileges" James Strickland 40:04
  25. Careless Christianity - Part 4 - Genesis 19:15-38 - "Priorities" James Strickland 38:30
  26. Casting Your Cares on Christ - 1 Peter 5:6-7 James Strickland 24:46
  27. Certification of Brian Bare & Jason Frame - Ezekiel 33:1-9 James Strickland 36:30
  28. Choices - Genesis 13:10-11 - Jim Bailey Jim Bailey 40:51
  29. Chirstmas "That Night" - 2018 - Luke 2:1-20 James Strickland 34:25
  30. Christmas - Believing and Being Blessed by The Lord - Luke 1:39-35 Unknown artist 29:02
  31. Christmas - Greatly Blessed & Highly Favored - Luke 1:28 James Strickland 28:30
  32. Christmas - "Oh Worship the King" - Matthew 2:1-2 James Strickland 21:54
  33. Christmas - The Pathway the The King - Matthew 2:1-11- Christmas James Strickland 27:27
  34. Come Out of Hiding!! - Genesis 3:1-13 James Strickland 26:41
  35. Commited to the Cause - Samuel 30:1-25 James Strickland 31:40
  36. Completing your Commitment to Christ - 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 James Strickland 37:15
  37. Confronting & Conquering Challenges - 1 Samuel 17:32-37 James Strickland 33:06
  38. Conscience and Climate (Spiritual) - Acts 24:1-16 -AUDIO ISSUES James Strickland 33:06
  39. Consumer Christianity - Luke 9:23-27 Unknown artist 24:32
  40. Conversion Demands Commitment - Acts 22:14-15 James Strickland 27:59
  41. Conveying Christian Compassion - Matthew 8:1-4 James Strickland 28:32
  42. CRASH COURSE - ENTIRE BOOK - Malachi - Jason Frame Jason Frame 45:42
  43. Crossing God's Deadline - Proverbs 29:1 James Strickland 33:36
  44. Dealing with Despair - 1 Kings 19:1-18 James Strickland 31:49
  45. Do you Really Believe? - 2 Corinthians 13:5, John 3:16-21 - Jason Frame Jason Frame 42:50
  46. Easter Sunday 2020 - "The Glory of The Resurrection" - Acts 2:22-35 James Strickland 29:35
  47. Everyone of Us Needs to Be Crucified by Christ - Luke 23:32-43 James Strickland 32:25
  48. Excuses or Encouragement?? - Luke 10:30-37, Matthew 25:40 James Strickland 33:02
  49. Facing Your Sins - 2 Samuel 12:1-7 - A Short Biography of King David Jmes Strickland 30:27
  50. Failure to Forgiveness - John 8:1-11 James Strickland 34:16
  51. Faith for Fearful Days - Exodus 14:10-20 James Strickland 27:08
  52. Faith or Fashion? - Acts 17:16-23 James Strickland 28:49
  53. False "Preachers" - 2 Peter 2:1-22, Jude 1:4-25 - Jason Frame Jason Frame 1:06:35
  54. Fears of Following Jesus & Witnessing for Him - Mark 8:34-38 James Strickland 25:51
  55. Find the Time! - For Your Heavenly Father Alone in Prayer - Matthew 6:5-7 - Brian Bare Brian Bare 28:01
  56. Finding Self Forgiveness - Psalms 103:10-14 James Strickland 32:57
  57. Foundations Are Important! - 1 Corinthians 3:11 - Jim Bailey Jim Bailey 40:54
  58. Freedom in Boldness - Acts 4:23-31 - Brian Bare Brian Bare 26:29
  59. From Here to Eternity - 1 John:3:2 James Strickland 31:22
  60. From Intimitation to Inspiriation - Numbers 22:26-33, Etc. James Strickland 32:09
  61. From Saddness to Satisfaction - Psalms 40:1-3 James Strickland 25:57
  62. God Does What He Promises He Will Do - 1 Kings 18:41-46 James Strickland 32:56
  63. God Grants Grace for Guilt & for the Guilty - John 8:1-11 James Strickland 37:39
  64. God is Good - Jeremiah 1:5 - Brian Bare Brain Bare 24:31
  65. God's Cure for Loneliness - Genesis 2:18-24 James Strickland 24:40
  66. God's Message to Liars - Psalms 52:1-9 James Strickland 32:36
  67. God's New Normal - 2 Corinthians 5:17 James Strickland 29:59
  68. God's Plan for Every Single Child of His - John 1:35-42 James Strickland 23:11
  69. Good News - Gospel Singing - July 2019 Good News 50:08
  70. Grace for Past Guilt - 1 Timothy 1:12-16 James Strickland 37:13
  71. Great Workings of the Holy Spirit - Isaiah 4:4 James Strickland 29:24
  72. Growing Old, Then What??- Joshua 13:1, 14:6-13 James Strickland 34:24
  73. Growing the Church - John 1:35-42 James Strickland 36:15
  74. Guaranteed 100 Percent Blessings - Tithing - Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10 James Strickland 29:54
  75. Guidelines for a Good Man - Acts 11:19-26 James Strickland 26:29
  76. Guidelines for a Good New Year -2021- James 4:13-17 James Strickland 35:58
  77. Guidelines For a Good Soldier - 2 Timothy 2:1-7 James Strickland 32:07
  78. Hallelujah for Heaven - 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 James Strickland 27:56
  79. Have you Yielded Yet? - Romans 12:1-2 James Strickland 30:22
  80. Heaven is a Prepared Place for a Prepared People - Revelation 21:1-27 James Strickland 36:06
  81. Heaven: - PART 3 - "Living with Heaven in Mind" - 2 Peter 3:10-14 - Unknown artist 33:29
  82. Help for the Hurting - Luke 10:30-37 James Strickland 39:18
  83. HOMECOMING 2019 - Guest Speaker Billy Beaver Billy Beaver 29:14
  84. 70th Homecoming - Guest Speaker Jimmy Barrett Jimmy Barrett 54:28
  85. How Are You Getting Your Needs Met? - Phillippians 4:19-20 James Strickland 22:29
  86. How God Chooses His Servants? - 1 Samuel 16:1-13 James Strickland 34:51
  87. How is Your Faith? - John 2:23-25 James Strickland 26:17
  88. How Our Master Ministers to Us - John 10:11, Psalm 80:1, Acts 20:28, Etc. James Strickland 24:32
  89. How Satan Thru Sin Steals Gods Servants - 2 Samuel 15:1-15 James Strickland 33:28
  90. How Submitted Are You To the Lordship of Jesus Christ? - Luke 5:1-11 James Strickland 33:15
  91. How to Know God's Plan for your Life - 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 James Strickland 27:47
  92. How to Live Until Jesus Comes - Intro - Luke 17:26-30 - "Business as Usual" James Strickland 27:34
  93. How to Live Until Jesus Comes - Hebrews 10:19-25 - "Support Your Church" James Strickland 42:14
  94. How to Live Until Jesus Comes - Colossians 3:1-4 - "Taking Life Spiritually" James Strickland 36:40
  95. How to Live Until Jesus Comes - James 5:7-11 - "Practice Patience" James Strickland 37:58
  96. How to Live Until Jesus Comes - 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 - "Live Your Life LOVINGLY" James Strickland 30:13
  97. How to Live Until Jesus Comes - Matthew 7:1-2, 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 - "No Judging" James Strickland 29:34
  98. How to live until Jesus comes - Proverbs 28:13 - "Confess your Sins" James Strickland 28:40
  99. How to Live Until Jesus Comes - Jude 1:21-23 - "Love the Lost" James Strickland 37:36
  100. How to live until Jesus Comes - 2 Timothy 4:1-5 - "Multiply Your Ministry" James Strickland 33:59
  101. How to Live Until Jesus Comes - Mark 12:41-44 - "Give Glady" James Strickland 26:08
  102. How to Live until Jesus Comes - FINAL - 1 John 3:1-3 - "Live the Family Likeness" James Strickland 31:22
  103. How to Rest in the Lord for the Rest of Your Life - Psalm 125:1-5 James Strickland 18:50
  104. Is Going to Church Important? - Psalms 122:1 James Strickland 23:48
  105. Is it Really Over? PART 1 - Matthew 27:45-65 James Strickland 26:57
  106. Is Jesus Next on Your Agenda?? - Luke 9:57-62 - AUDIO ISSUES*** James Strickland 27:01
  107. Is Jesus Really Lord of Your Life?? - Isaiah 26:13 James Strickland 29:13
  108. Is Your Work a Blessing or a Burden?? - Mark 13:34-37 Pastor James Strickland 29:01
  109. James Strickland Testimony James Strickland 9:13
  110. Judge or Judged?? - 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 James Strickland 25:02
  111. Laborers in the Vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16 - Jason Frame Jason Frame 42:51
  112. Life from Death - Lazarus - John 11:25-26 James Strickland 25:49
  113. Life of Our Lord: INTRO - "My Tribute to the Greatest Life that Ever Lived" - John 1:1-3, Etc. James Strickland 30:09
  114. Life of Our Lord: "Birth to Boyhood" - Luke 2:21-40 James Strickland 21:40
  115. Life of Our Lord: "From Boyhood to Manhood" - Luke 2:41-52 James Strickland 21:43
  116. Life Our Lord: From Adolescence to Adulthood - Matthew 3:1-3, 13-17 James Strickland 23:37
  117. Life of Our Lord: "Beginning a Ministry of Adversary" - Matthew 9:9-13 James Strickland 27:52
  118. Life of Our Lord: A New King with a New Kingdom - Matthew 4:1-2, Etc. James Strickland 27:30
  119. Life of Our Lord: "Are you going to be Our Provider or Our Divider?? - John 6:26-27, 32-33, 35, 49-58 James Strickland 27:27
  120. Life of Our Lord: "Jesus' Power Over Man's Perception" - John 9:1-17 James Strickland 29:33
  121. Life of Our Lord: "Judas?!?" - John 6:70-71, Etc. James Strickland 33:25
  122. Life of Our Lord: "The Great Commision or the Great Suggestion?!?" - Matthew 28:16-28, Acts 1:4-8 James Strickland 29:33
  123. Life of Our Lord: "The Proclamation from the Cross" - Luke 23:34 James Strickland 30:03
  124. Life of Our Lord Jesus: Crucififcition - "From Death to Deliverance" - Like 23:24-26, 32-46 James Strickland 31:56
  125. Life of Our Lord: 1st Trial - John 18:12-24, Etc. James Strickland 22:00
  126. Life of Our Lord: 2nd Trial - Matthew 26:57-68, Etc. James Strickland 28:46
  127. Life of Our Lord: 3rd Trial - Luke 22:66-71, Etc. James Strickland 21:24
  128. Life of Our Lord: 4th Trial - Matthew 27:11-14, Etc. James Strickland 24:57
  129. Life of Lord: 5th Trail - Luke 23:7-12 James Strickland 22:07
  130. Life of Our Lord : "The Meeting of all Mettings" - John 20 James Strickland 32:07
  131. Life of Our Lord: "Finding our Lord Jesus Present & Precious in Our Times of Pain" - Luke 24:13-35 James Strickland 29:42
  132. Life Of Paul: Straight Talk for Twisted People - Acts 21:17-34 James Strickland 30:26
  133. Life of Paul: A Portrait of a Hero - Acts 25:23..., 26... James Strickland 29:11
  134. Life of Paul: A Person to Be Rembered - Paul - Acts 28:16... Pastor James Strickland 35:24
  135. Life Of Paul: Conclusion - "Paul's Death and Deliverance" - 2 Timothy 4:6-9 James Strickland 25:24
  136. Let Your Light Shine - Matthew 5:1-17 - "Be Attitudes" - Sermon on the Mount Brain Bare 35:38
  137. Life Emerging From Death - John 12:24-25 James Strickland 28:06
  138. Living the Christian Life - John 15:1-8 James Strickland 26:28
  139. Living your life for the Lord - Luke 14:25-33 James Strickland 33:20
  140. Looking at Life - PART 1 - Genesis 19:15-16 - "Looking Back Hinders You" James Strickland 31:24
  141. Looking at Life -PART 2 - Matthew 14:22-31 - "If you Look at Difficulties, They Overwhelm You" James Strickland 34:12
  142. Looking at Life - PART 3 - Isaiah 45:20-26 "If you Look to God He will Save You" James Strickland 28:49
  143. Looking at Life - Part 4 - Psalm 123:1-4 - "Looking Up Gives You Hope" James Strickland 33:42
  144. Maintaining Our Morality - Matthew 5:17-20 James Strickland 23:43
  145. Making the Best of Reality - 2 Corinthians 2:14 James Strickland 26:30
  146. Making The Right Choice -1 Kings 3:5-15 James Strickland 24:53
  147. Manifesting & Maintaining the New Morality - Matthew 5:17-20 James Strickland 28:57
  148. Meeting Temptation - Genesis 3:1-6 James Strickland 31:14
  149. Meeting the Risen Master - John 20:11-18 James Strickland 30:17
  150. Memorial Day 2019 - The Meaning of the Memorial - Joshua 4:1-9 James Strickland 27:46
  151. Messages from the Miracles of Jesus: "INTRO - "Jesus' Power Over Problems People Have" - John 2:1-11 James Strickland 22:08
  152. Messages from the Miracles of Jesus: "Jesus' Power Over How We Panic in Our Lives" - John 4:46-54 James Strickland 26:18
  153. Messages from Jesus' Miracles: "God has Power Over Physical Realm" - John 5:1-16 James Strickland 28:53
  154. Messages from the Miracles of Jesus: "Jesus Has Power Over Our Presumptions" - Mark 6:45-52 James Strickland 28:22
  155. Missing the Blessing - Luke 15:25-32 James Strickland 31:50
  156. Money -- Who Manges Who?!? - Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 James Strickland 37:40
  157. Mothers Days 2020 - "The Ministry of Motherhood" - 1 Samuel 1 James Strickland 31:34
  158. Moving beyond our Divisions and Our Differences - 1 Peter 1:22-23, 2:1-2 James Strickland 28:53
  159. NEWSFLASH - What Can Noah Say to Us?!? - Hebrews 11:7 James Strickland 26:45
  160. Not Only Confronting Our Challenges in in Life But How To Conquer Them In The Lord - 1 Samuel 17:32-37 James Strickland 33:06
  161. No Longer Orphans But Not Yet Home - Romans 8:18-25 James Strickland 31:34
  162. Our God - The Same Yesterday, Today, & Forever - Genesis 32:1-2 - "God Protects & Provides for Us in Times of Trouble" James Strickland 25:34
  163. Our God Cannot Be Used - Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 James Strickland 41:43
  164. Our Great Inheritance in the Lord - Hebrews 4:1-2 James Strickland 28:56
  165. Our High Hopes Many Times Meet Harsh Realities - Exodus 2:10-15, 3:1-12 James Strickland 32:52
  166. Our Waiting Witnesses - Hebrews 12:1-2 James Strickland 28:11
  167. Overcoming the Devil's Opposition - Revelation 12:11 James Strickland 34:22
  168. Parent's (Mother/Father) Day - 2020 - "Life Lessons from Loving Parents & Mentors" - Proverbs 1:10-19 James Strickland 40:08
  169. Peace for Perilous Times - Isaiah 55 James Strickland 31:03
  170. Peter Breeze Sermon Missionary International Peter Breeze 22:02
  171. Placing Our Problems in their Proper Perspective - Psalm 34 James Strickland 27:21
  172. Popularity or Spirituality - RADIo 8-28-21 James Strickland 29:30
  173. Precepts from the Potter - Jeremiah 18:1-10 James Strickland 33:04
  174. PRIDE - PART 1 - Obadiah 1:1-9 James Strickland 40:09
  175. PRIDE - PART 2 - Obadiah 1:10-16 James Strickland 29:00
  176. PRIDE - PART 3 - Obadiah 1:17-21 James Strickland 32:57
  177. Principles for Progress this New Year - 2019 - Philippians 3:13-15 James Strickland 29:28
  178. Putting Away Your Hurts Before They Become Hates - Matthew 5:43-48, Ephesians 4:26,31-32 James Strickland 30:48
  179. Really, Truly Knowing the Lord!! - Matthew 7:13-14 James Strickland 29:49
  180. Reassurances for Jesus' Return - Luke 21:34-36 James Strickland 43:18
  181. Recalling & Remembering Our Master - Luke 22:14-20 James Strickland 21:38
  182. Recognizing and Removing Carnality - 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 James Strickland 26:24
  183. Religion is NOT Righteousness - Luke 18:9-14 James Strickland 37:52
  184. Receiving Rest in Your Life - Matthew 11:28-30 James Strickland 27:27
  185. Resurection & Ascension - Luke 24:46-53 Brain Bare 26:55
  186. Sanctification or Holy Living - John 17 6-19 James Strickland 33:16
  187. Satan's Attack on the Church - Acts 6 1-7 James Strickland 29:42
  188. Seeing and Being Seen - Matthew 8:5-13 James Strickland 24:53
  189. Self Satisfaction Versus Self Sacrifice - 2 Samuel 23:13-17 James Strickland 22:54
  190. Serving God Through Suffering - Acts 20:17-19 James Strickland 33:19
  191. Sharing Others' Suffering - Matthew 9:36-38 James Strickland 34:53
  192. Shelter from the Storms in Life - Psalm 31:9-13, Joshua 20:1-9, 1 John 3:16-18 James Strickland 35:23
  193. Signs of Christ's Coming - Part 1 - Matthew 24:3 James Strickland 30:02
  194. Signs of Jesus Christ's Coming - Part 2 - Matthew 24:3, 36 James Strickland 32:10
  195. Sin Conscious - 2 Timothy 3:16 James Strickland 30:15
  196. Slandered But Secured - Psalm 140:1-13 James Strickland 20:14
  197. Surveying the Storm - Part 1 - Psalm 107:23-32 - "Peril of the Storm" James Strickland 28:03
  198. Surveying the Storm - Part 2 - Psalm 107:23-32 - "Purpose of the Storm" James Strickland 26:06
  199. Surviving Criticism - Part 1 - "Reality of Criticism"- Acts 24:1-9 James Strickland 27:45
  200. Surviving Criticism - Part 2 - "The Response to Criticism" - Acts 24:10... James Strickland 30:43
  201. Surviving in the Shipwreck of Life - Acts 27:1... James Strickland 41:36
  202. Surviving the Second Watch - Luke 12:35-40 James Strickland 31:17
  203. Surviving Your Suffering - 1 Peter 1:1-6 James Strickland 21:19
  204. Testfying of Pastor James Strickland & "Thankful or Thoughtless" Sermon - Luke 17:11 - 10 Lepers James Strickland 11:54
  205. Thanksgiving Thoughts 2020 - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 James Strickland 24:55
  206. That God May Be All In All - 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 James Strickland 19:53
  207. The Annointing of the Holy Ghost - Psalm 92:10 James Strickland 36:33
  208. The Assurrance that God Knows - Acts 10:1-8 James Strickland 25:47
  209. The Awesomeness of Our Anchor - Hebrews 6:13-20 James Strickland 23:50
  210. The Blessedness and the Benefit of Partial Knowledge - "For We Know in Part" - 1 Corinthians 13:9, 1 Corinthains 1:12, etc. James Strickland 28:17
  211. The Blessing of Baptism - Matthew 3:13-17 James Strickland 13:24
  212. The Cause For Christ - Revelation 5:12 Jim Bailey 45:18
  213. The Closeness of Christ's Return - Luke 21:34-36 James Strickland 37:12
  214. The Dangers of Neutrality - Matthew 12:30 - Jason Frame Jason Frame 47:56
  215. The Enemies of the Cross - Philippians 3:17-19 James Strickland 27:20
  216. The Fears of the Future - Timothy 1:1-7 James Strickland 29:04
  217. The Graciousness of God's Wonderful Grace - James 4:6, Etc. James Strickland 26:19
  218. The Greatest Man with Greatest Message - John 1:6, etc. James Strickland 33:24
  219. The Greatest Need In the Chruch & in Your Life - (Love) - 1 John 4:7 James Strickland 28:15
  220. The Healer Versus the Healers - Matthew 9:18-26, Mark, Luke, Etc. James Strickland 30:31
  221. The Heavenly Visitor - Matthew 15:29-39 James Strickland 23:12
  222. The High Cost of Following Jesus - Luke 9:57-62 James Strickland 31:48
  223. The Horror of a Heardened Heart - Psalm 95 James Strickland 33:36
  224. The Matter That Matters Most: Our Hope In Jesus James Strickland 28:07
  225. The Ministry of Forgiveness - John 13:1-17 James Strickland 24:32
  226. The Model Father - Matthew 1:18-25 James Strickland 28:57
  227. The Power and Practice of Prayer - Luke 11:1 James Strickland 28:27
  228. The Power of the Cross - Matthew 27:54, Luke 23:47, Mark 15:39 James Strickland 28:44
  229. The Power to Live the Christian Life Day by Day - Acts 1:8 James Strickland 25:52
  230. The Prayer for True Prosperity - 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 - Jabez James Strickland 26:06
  231. The Precious Name of Jesus - Above Every Other Name!!- Philippians 2:5-9 - Jim Bailey Jim Bailey 29:38
  232. The Preciousness of a Soul - Part 1 - Luke 15:11-24 James Strickland 40:00
  233. The Preciousness of a Soul - PART 2 - Luke 15... James Strickland 31:49
  234. The Privileges of Being an American Christian - Proverbs 14:34 James Strickland 28:46
  235. The Promise Our Lord Made To Send the Messiah is Now on the Very Threshold of Being Fulfilled - Luke 1:5-17 James Strickland 27:14
  236. The Purpose Driven Church - 1 Samuel 3:1, Proverbs 29:18 James Strickland 24:14
  237. The Rapture & the Second Coming - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - Brian Bare Brian Bare 47:20
  238. The Reality of a Hardened Heart - Hebrews 3:7-19 James Strickland 34:31
  239. The Season for Seeking the Savior - Isaiah 55:6-7 James Strickland 27:51
  240. The Secrets of Surviving the Storm - Acts 27:9-44 James Strickland 35:27
  241. The Sin of Silence - 2 Kings 7:1-16 - "Witness - It's a Command!" James Strickland 36:23
  242. The Sin of the Old Christian - 1 Kings 13:1-34 James Strickland 36:51
  243. The Sower, The Seed, Or the Soil? - Mark 4, Matthew 13, Luke 8 - Jason Frame Jason Frame 52:47
  244. The Spreading / Wake of Revival - Act 4:1-21 James Strickland 46:44
  245. The Transforming Power of the Love of God - Matthew 24:18-22 James Strickland 32:03
  246. The Treasures from Darkness - Matthew 27:45 James Strickland 23:19
  247. The Vision of Outreach - Ezekiel 7:1-14 James Strickland 37:11
  248. The Wonderful Words of Jesus - John 6:63-68 - Jim Bailey Jim Bailey 32:52
  249. The Work of the Holy Spirit - John 16:8-11 James Strickland 33:38
  250. The Worth of Our Work James Strickland 30:39
  251. They Did Not Know a Thing! - Matthew 24:36-39 James Strickland 38:27
  252. These Days Of Crisis in which We're Living - Zechariah 4:6, Etc James Strickland 28:06
  253. Thoughts - Why Did God Add You to the Church?!? - Acts 2:41-47 James Strickland 30:42
  254. Touching Jesus - Mark 5:21-29 James Strickland 28:51
  255. Toughening Up (In the Lord) - 1 Corinthian 16:13 James Strickland 26:19
  256. Tradition Versus Truth - Mark 7:1-13 James Strickland 31:53
  257. Triumph Over Temptations! - James 1:12, 1 Corinthians 15:57, Luke 4:1-2, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Hebrews 2:18, James Strickland 25:18
  258. Turning Defeat into Victory! - Joshua 7 Unknown artist 28:46
  259. Understanding Christian Unity - Psalm 133:1-3, Galations 3:28 James Strickland 30:28
  260. Understanding the Times - Romans 13:11-14 James Strickland 26:37
  261. Vain - 2 Corinthians 6:1 - Jason Frame Jason Frame 35:12
  262. Values of Suffering?!? - 2 Corinthians 1:1-7 James Strickland 32:47
  263. Walking with God - Genesis 5:21-24, Hebrews 11:5-6 James Strickland 27:53
  264. Weariness in Well-Doing - Galations 6:1-10 James Strickland 35:08
  265. Weighing Out Worthlessness - 1 Corinthians 4:13 James Strickland 24:43
  266. What about Sin in the Church?? - Act 5:1-11 James Strickland 29:32
  267. What are You Offering the King?? - Malachi 1 - Jason Frame Jason Frame 37:09
  268. What Do You Do When Everything Goes Wrong?? - (Review of Joseph & Paul) James Strickland 29:08
  269. What do You Do When You Don't Know What to Do? - Proverbs 3:5-7 James Strickland 30:59
  270. What Do You Do When You Have to Face Your Sins?? - 2 Samuel 12:7-20 James Strickland 31:11
  271. What Do You Do With Your Spiritual Life?? - Galations 2:20 James Strickland 25:03
  272. What Does Christmas Really Mean To You?? - Galations 4:4, Luke 2:15-16 James Strickland 30:09
  273. What Does Freedom Mean to You? - John 8:36, Ephesians 4:1 James Strickland 32:27
  274. What is Revival? - Acts 3:19 James Strickland 32:43
  275. What is Revival? - Act 3:19 - NEARNESS OF - Part 2 James Strickland 20:36
  276. What is Revival? - NEED FOR - Acts 3:19, Isaiah James Strickland 32:48
  277. What is Revival? - The Secrets of Heaven Sent Revival - 2 Chronicles 7:11-15 James Strickland 34:08
  278. What is Your Witness Worth?? - 2 Timothy 2:1-2 James Strickland 30:59
  279. What Must I Do to Be Saved? - Acts 16:26-30-31-35 James Strickland 33:18
  280. What the World Needs Today - Psalm 60:6 -"The Holiness of God" James Strickland 29:15
  281. What Time is it? PART 2 - Conclusion Haigai 1 James Strickland 33:34
  282. What to Do when You're Alone - 2 Kings 2:1-12 James Strickland 31:37
  283. What You Leave Behind - Joshua 2:1-18 Brian Bare 39:14
  284. When Christ Comes to Call - Mark 5:1-20 James Strickland 33:49
  285. When the King Rules - 2 Samuel 5:1-12 James Strickland 32:11
  286. Who is the Lord?? - Exodus 5:1-3 , 7:4:13 James Strickland 23:51
  287. Who Rules You? - Luke 19:11-14 James Strickland 29:58
  288. Why is this Happening to me? - John 15:1-8 James Strickland 38:09
  289. Why Revival? - Psalm 85 James Strickland 38:00
  290. Why Thanksgiving? - 1 Chronicles 16:34-36 James Strickland 34:20
  291. Will Our Freedom Last?? - Psalm 125:1-5 James Strickland 27:13