Saturday Mornings 10:30am-11:00am WRKB 1460 AM Dealing with the Devil - Part TWODealing With The Devil PT 1Wisdom for Life from 12-1-21 for RADIO - FINALTime for Thanksgiving RADIOWhy I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel - Radio - FINAL bChristians in Crisis FINAL RADIO10-24-21 Confronting and Correcting Your Culture RADIOThe Neglected Vineyard - RADIOLooking to the New Tomorrow - RADIOThe Worth of Our Work - RADIO for 10-2-21Signs of Salvation Radio 9-25-21 BWarning Against Weariness -B- RADIO -9-18-21Why Revival for Radio 9-18-21 bThe Secrets of Heaven Sent Revival - NEW 2021Lessons from the Leadership of the Lord for RADIO 9-4-21Popularity or Spirituality - RADIo 8-28-21The Victorious Christian Life - for RADIO 8-21-21Being There for Blessings RADIO 8-14-21 10:30amThe Lordship of Jesus Christ for 8-7-21Walking the Christ Like Way - RADIO 7-17-21Understanding True Love RADIO 7-3-21Worthless or Worthwhile Worship Part ONEForgiven - Then Act Like It!!Life Emerging From Death - RADIO for 7-24-21Walking the Christ Like Way - RADIO 7-17-21What Do You Do With Your Freedom - RADIO 7-10-21Understanding True Love RADIO 7-3-21Thye Christians Constant Concern for RADIO 7-31-21Forgiven - Then Act Like It!!What Do You Do When You've Done All You Can Do?The Secret to Satisfaction - RADIOPEACE FOR PERILOUS TIMESHaving It Your WayPreaching the Cross RADIO on 5-8-21The Secret to Satisfaction - RADIOFacing Your Sins - PART 2What is Your Witness WorthSpiritual Separation Radio Sermon Broadcast on 2-20-20Royal Heirs to the Throne - Brian Bare - for Radio - 2-6-21What Do You Do When You've Done All You Can Do?Overcoming the Devil's Opposition - FOR RADIO 2-13-21Disciplined Disciples for Radio 1-31-21The Greatness of God's Grace - PART 1 - 2 SamuelNo Longer Orphans Not Yet Home RADIO for 1-2-21A Determined Dedication2020 ContataWhat do you do when everything goes wrong? - 12-19-20 RADIOWho Rules Your Life - 12-12-20The Horror of a Heardened Heart BThanksgiving Message C- 11--22-20 for 11-28-20Manifesting and Maintaining the New Morality 11-15-20 for RADIO 11-21-20The Closeness of Christ's Coming - 11-8-20 for RADIO 11-14-20God's Message to Liars - for RADIO 10-31-20What Time is it? Conclusion (Part 2) RADIO 10-24-20What time is it Spiritually? - RADIO on 10-17-20What is God's Plan for Your Spiritual Life - RADIO 10-10-20 bFaith for Fearful Days for RADIO 10-3-20Jesus Miracles Over Mans Perception - From the Vault - May 2 18 RADIOBelief, Baptism, Behavior Sermon for RADIO 9-19-20 from 9-13-20Growing the Church Radio Broad Cast 9-12-20From Guilt to Grace PART ONE with TalksGrace from Past Guilt Part TwoPrinciples for your loved ones part twoWho is God to You - FINAL RADIOGrace From Past GuiltThe New Normal sm 8-16-20Help for the Hurting RADIO 8-15-20Being There for Blessings RADIO 8-14-21 10:30amThe Lordship of Jesus Christ for 8-7-217-28-21 REvelation 22 - the christians constant concern CUTTTTTTTTReassurance of Christ's ReturnHalleluhah for Heaven RADIO BroadcastThe Ministry of Forgiveness RADIOPrinciples for your loved ones part twoBetween Him and Them - Radio BroadcastWhat to do when you dont know what to do RADIO SERMONA FREEDOM IN BOLDNESS 5-31-20 SmA memorial to our God 5-30-20The Ministry of Motherhood 5-16-20The Season for Seeking a SaviorEaster Sunday 2020What about Sin in the ChurchHow Does God Choose His ServantsWhat to do when you are alone Sermon from 11-25-18 for 3-21-20Putting Our Problems in Their Proper Perspective - radio for 3-14-20Faith or Fashion - Sermon FOR 2-15-20 RADIOHow to Live for God Part 4 1-29-20 for 2-8-20Looking at Life - Part 3 - If you Look to God He will Save YouLooking at Life - PART TWO - Looking at Diffculkties may overwhelm usLooking at Life - Part 1 - Looking Back - 1-8-20 wedPeace In Perilous Times SERMONReligion is NOT Righteousness - Sun Morn 12-8-19The Ministry of the Holy Spirit SERMONWeighing Out Worthlessness - SERMONRealizing Our Great InheritanceMeeting the Risen MasterSatans Attack on the Church - Sermon - Acts 6 1-7 - 9-18-198-11-19 Sun Eve Weariness in Well-DoingWho is God to You - FINAL RADIO BHow to Live Until Jesus Comes - No Judging